Isaiah 41:8-10 (JPS)
Praises be to God who allowed us the amazing privilege of being grafted into the lineage of Abraham--God's friend--as well as Isaac and Jacob's. How? Simply put by accepting His gift, His precious Son, Jesus. For God Himself, became flesh to dwell among us, making a way where there was no way because of sin. Jesus, came to earth as a humble little baby, born of a virgin (young Mary) as was told so long ago, all so that you and I could become God's sons and daughters. Do you realize just how incredible that reality is? Can you wrap your brain around the fact that the Creator of the universe, our Father, made a way for us to have a personal relationship with Him? I will honestly tell you that I don't understand it. It makes me crazy to think of the expanse of the love that my heavenly Father lavishly poured out, certainly exceeding all imagination, just so that I could be restore into a right standing with Him! How could I ever expect to comprehend this one? faith, I must. I must simply believe because after all He saved my life, gave me hope and a chance to walk with purpose in my gait, giving me a reason to wake up and live!
I like what Francis Chan said in his book Crazy Love, “The point of our life is to point to Him…”
You know that you too can have life that is intended to be full, rich and abundant and filled with purpose. You do know that don't you? If not, friend, I can't say enough in an attempt to convince you of this truth. I know, you can't see it, taste it, smell it or see it is yours for the taking. So here, here is the gift of hope, wrapped up in love and not only love but the Father's love. A gift of life the life of His Son, Jesus. Here, it is for you, I want so much for you to have it, no strings attached! He loves you so much that words are inadequate to even explain it! I pray you receive the blessings of being welcomed into the family of God, friend. Take it from someone who has been so topsy turvy through her first 30 years of life, it will turn your world right-side up!
You know that you too can have life that is intended to be full, rich and abundant and filled with purpose. You do know that don't you? If not, friend, I can't say enough in an attempt to convince you of this truth. I know, you can't see it, taste it, smell it or see it is yours for the taking. So here, here is the gift of hope, wrapped up in love and not only love but the Father's love. A gift of life the life of His Son, Jesus. Here, it is for you, I want so much for you to have it, no strings attached! He loves you so much that words are inadequate to even explain it! I pray you receive the blessings of being welcomed into the family of God, friend. Take it from someone who has been so topsy turvy through her first 30 years of life, it will turn your world right-side up!