"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and athat you are not your own? For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."1 Corinthians
If ever there was a battle taking place within me it is definitely my battle with either over-excess or indulgence in the wrong things. Do you know what I'm talking about here? I hate it because depending on the time-frame of my cycle and I am postmenopausal I still struggle, big-time. Typically for one week out of four my eating is out of control. And I crave sweets. But...God has made me a conqueror in ALL things and if I could only figure out how to apply that to my fourth week...wow! Take a peek at what Sheri Rose has to say for us below:
His Princess Diet Plan for Victory
Pray...Every morning confess your weakness to God and ask Him to give you the spirit of self-control. The first step toward a new beginning is confession.
Ask...someone to hold you accountable to a healthy diet and exercise program. Better yet, ask if that person would join you.
Fast...Consider making your diet a fast for your King. For thirty days, fast from any white flour, white sugar, or artificial sweeteners.
Remove...Do not set yourself up to fail. Take control of your kitchen and remove any and all foods that will tempt you to break your thirty-day fast.
Prepare for Battle...If you will prepare you meals in advance you will have a much better chance of winning over temptation. (visit hisprincess.com for more helpful information)
Purpose...to honor you body as the temple of the Holy Spirit; God will give you the power to prevail. Commit your diet to the Lord as Daniel did and include writing down your purpose for fasting and place it were you can see it daily.
No food tastes as good as being healthy feels!
(My Prince Will Come, © 2005 by Sheri Rose Shepherd. Published by Multnomah Publishers, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved)
Somehow I think that Sheri and I have had the same struggles. I also know that this is a battle that I don't want to lose and I know that the Lord wants the glory due His name when it is won! Let's pray for one another, that is, those of us who really struggle with this one. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Don't talk yourself out of that resistance mode! Have you been there? We don't deserve to indulge ourselves in stuff that isn't good for our temples. Help me here, can we have a taste of something that is unhealthy or an occasional piece of that yummy thing? How do you work this one out? I hope to get some feedback from you.
Father, you know how tired I am at wrestling with this. For the most part I confess that I want to talk myself into or out of or convince myself that it is okay to indulge. But then my indulging leads to gluttony and I become so ashamed of myself for slipping into such a slump. Then I spend the next three weeks of my four week cycle rebuilding what I have essentially crumbled. How discouraging this is. I can really see how important it is to have someone in the same boat to hold me accountable or to hold each other accountable as we struggle through. What a crazy thing to have as a stumbling block. Would you give me a partner who would help me through this and that I could help in turn? What a blessing to be able to win this one for you Pappa! I can imagine the smile on Your face when I have success and give You the glory! Amen
Father, you know how tired I am at wrestling with this. For the most part I confess that I want to talk myself into or out of or convince myself that it is okay to indulge. But then my indulging leads to gluttony and I become so ashamed of myself for slipping into such a slump. Then I spend the next three weeks of my four week cycle rebuilding what I have essentially crumbled. How discouraging this is. I can really see how important it is to have someone in the same boat to hold me accountable or to hold each other accountable as we struggle through. What a crazy thing to have as a stumbling block. Would you give me a partner who would help me through this and that I could help in turn? What a blessing to be able to win this one for you Pappa! I can imagine the smile on Your face when I have success and give You the glory! Amen