Have you ever been to a place either relationally, emotionally or physically where you have literally cried out to God? I would have to say that there are many of us who have been in the throws of pain from either of the three mentioned catalysts where we hurt to the point that there is no other way but to cry out! And believing in our omniscient God we have verbally let it fly, aloud, to Him in hopes that relief will come!
This is not something new to me and every now and again I have to just let it out because there is no other way to get relief. Not long ago I was in such physical pain, uncomfortable standing, walking, sitting and laying down that I finally 'cried out' to my Father and implored relief from my pain. I know that there were some friends out there praying for me and for that I was so grateful. About fifteen minutes after I 'cried out' the pain began to lessen and it wasn't too long after that that I could at least lay without being in a constant state of misery. I am dealing with a sciatic nerve issue that rather came out of nowhere (that I can see.) Many of you know how debilitating that can be! I am not one who likes to use drugs but I was definitely using the Aleve last night but at one point they seemed useless.
I woke up today and feel much better and hope that this will somehow relieve itself. But, all that to say that I am so grateful that God hears and responds to our cries of pain. Look at these words from David in Psalm 18:6
In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried to my God for help; He heard my voice out of His temple, And my cry for help before Him came into His ears.
After looking up the many verses where the men of old 'cried out' to the Lord I was convinced that they knew where their source of help came from! David however, topped them all for he was finding himself in predicaments all the time! And in his quandary, he often turned to his God. Remember, he learned this early on--being known as a young man who was after God's own heart!
When we find ourselves in a dire straight situation, you have some options, you can run to a friend (or friends,) try to fix the situation on your own, visit the doctor (don't get me wrong, they have their place!) or you can cry out to the One who knows you inside and out. He actually inclines His ear toward you that He might be the One you visit first! I am sure blessed to know the Father intimately so that in my times of distress I can always turn to Him knowing that He hears my cries for help!
Abba Father, You are so good to Your children and I am sorry when I put You last on my list to ask for help. Thank You for showing me that I can run to You first because You care for my well being like no one can. Thank You for healing my pain and working in all situations for my good and to bring You glory!