You’ve Been Supernaturally Planted
I live in International Falls, MN. People have said to me “why would you want to live in that ‘God forsaken’ part of the world? After all, our slogan is the “Ice Box of the Nation.” Can you imagine being in one of the coldest parts of the lower 48? Funny thing is I love to tell people when they ask that I love where I have been planted!
One year when the Weather Channel was here reporting on our Ice Box Days festivities (the Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run, etc.) one of the camera men caught me going in to our early church service (yes, before 8:00 AM in January) and briefly asked me how I liked being out on such cold mornings to go to church. I can't remember how cold it was but enough that most folks would shudder at the temperature. I said something to the effect that I loved it and that we are a hearty group of people up here because we endure the cold even to go to church on an early Sunday morning. How funny when I got a call from a lady that was originally from here (but now residing in the warm and sunny Florida Keys) who said she saw me on television at church! Although, I can honestly share with you that I did not always have that positive of an attitude. Having been here now for over 40 years there have been a wide range of emotions affiliated with the reality that this is home. Some are great, but the reality of my children and their children leaving the area makes it not so great. In some ways it is the end of the world (well the United States that is) as Canada is right across the bordering Rainy River.
One year when the Weather Channel was here reporting on our Ice Box Days festivities (the Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run, etc.) one of the camera men caught me going in to our early church service (yes, before 8:00 AM in January) and briefly asked me how I liked being out on such cold mornings to go to church. I can't remember how cold it was but enough that most folks would shudder at the temperature. I said something to the effect that I loved it and that we are a hearty group of people up here because we endure the cold even to go to church on an early Sunday morning. How funny when I got a call from a lady that was originally from here (but now residing in the warm and sunny Florida Keys) who said she saw me on television at church! Although, I can honestly share with you that I did not always have that positive of an attitude. Having been here now for over 40 years there have been a wide range of emotions affiliated with the reality that this is home. Some are great, but the reality of my children and their children leaving the area makes it not so great. In some ways it is the end of the world (well the United States that is) as Canada is right across the bordering Rainy River.
My first twenty years of life were filled with many short-lived stops along the way and no, I was definitely not a military brat. From being born in Connecticut, to Columbus, Ohio, (living in various apartments for my first ten years of life) then New York City (Manhattan Island) for five years. It was then…four more years of bopping around the country which brought me up to Minnesota. Yes, Minnesota. When I am asked how I ended up here I always say that it is just too long a story to go into! Ultimately, I have come to know without a shadow of a doubt that it was the providential hand of God that brought me here. After all, I met God in the "Ice Box of the Nation"! And I have grown quite partial to my little neck of the woods (literally speaking.) Funny thing is there sure are a lot of people I know who would rather not be here. It is usually weather related—too cold, too rainy, to smelly, etc. Yes, it is frustrating at times that you have to drive for almost two hours (four hours of drive time round trip) to find something more than a Kmart to do your shopping and spring may come early but count on at least one snow shower in May!
What I would like you to know is that even with its lack of amenities, God has given me an incredible love for where I live, my community and the people who live here. Think about this. I'm sure you find it so easy and comfortable to pray for friends and loved ones. Now, let me stretch you a bit. Can you honestly pray for a place you do not love? Or how about a place you hate or feel trapped in? Maybe, you do not like the politics in your community or it seems like the area is drying up. We certainly have justification to give up, do we not? But why not do the uncomfortable thing by stepping out and praying for everything that is 'wrong' with where you live? You know that it probably will not warm up if it is the weather you dislike or there may never be a “Target” (or whatever your favorite place to shop is) in the area. But, God can help you focus less on how cold it is which might divert your attention (so to speak) when you pray and ask God for His kingdom to come and His will to be done in your area as it is in heaven!
This is a fun way of looking at Matthew 5:14 from the Message:
"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill.”
The Irish Worship group BlueTree says it well in this music video, God of This City. You see, we--because we know Jesus as Lord and Savior--have been called out of the darkness and been brought into God’s marvelous light, through Jesus Christ and His shed blood for you and me.
Here is what it says about who we are as God's chosen people:
1 Peter 2:9 ESV
"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."
Friend, there is a city, town or community that needs the reality and saving knowledge of Christ. We are the brightly shining light God is using to expose the darkness and introduce to the Savior, those who are in need.
If you feel as though you live in a “God forsaken” environment, I would like to challenge you to start to pray—to pray for God’s visitation in your area. If love is what stops you, why don’t you ask God to give you a love for or deepen your love for your area and its people. A great place to start is with prayer walking. Do you frequently walk? Maybe for your daily exercise routine you are out and about your neighborhood hoofing it up and down streets, roads, etc. Try praying for various families you might walk by on your daily regimen. You might even be able to have access to a map of your community and you could even start to log the areas you have extended ‘prayer covering’ over.. As you are walking, ask the Lord to burden your heart for the people in the coverage area you take in. You might walk by someone’s home that you do not particularly care for or feel that they do not care for you. Well, ask the Lord for an open heart toward that one, that family or business and I guarantee that you are going to change. Something is going to well up within you and you are going to develop a love for your community because you have started to pray for the life blood of your area, its people.
Is your area suffering from this economic downturn? If possible get to your down town business area and start praying for the Lord’s blessings and prosperity over the businesses in your community. I like to include in my prayer time the words Jesus used in teaching us how to pray, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Praying God’s will on Earth as it is in Heaven is a powerful prayer and that is what we need to be about doing! Maybe where you have been planted is specifically for this very time. You have been called to pray and walk on the hardened ground of unbelief, pride and independence. You will be amazed how your heart will turn as you exercise the loving act of prayer for your location. Do not give up! You will begin to see how God is always up to something, and it is always good!
Lord, thank you for teaching me how to pray for the area I live in and giving me hope to see that You care very much for this place. If you desire that no man should perish then how can I believe the lie that I live in a God-forsaken area? I am asking you to break my heart with the things that break Yours. Let me see the people, places and businesses with Your eyes because there is always hope there. It is pretty exciting to see things begin to change when we expend time and energy praying for our communities. And don't let me stop there. Continue to burden me with prayer for my state, country and beyond and thank You for the change that can happen when we just pray in Your name!
1 comment:
That was well done, Kimberly Dawn! I believe that we are living in an "Esther time" (for such a time as this) that we need to be in fervert prayer for our community, nation & world. I have prayer-walked before, but needed this reminder to do it NOW!! "Thank you" for your insight. Marilyn Carlson, LaPrairie
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