I want to please my Father!
As I conclude the series on strongholds-- that keep us from experiencing the abundant life that God has promised us--I want to look at a couple of things.
· If I am tuning in to what God’s will is for my life, then I am going to have to know His voice and respond in obedience when He calls.
· By getting to know and recognize His voice I should be able to detect when the enemy comes along to pull me off track.
John 10:27
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
Am I willing to forego pleasing men to be in the will of my Father?
There are times it seems that so many things pull and vie for my attention and all I really want to do is what my Father has called me to do. But, there is this voice over here that says how good I might be at that task or asking me if I could serve on this committee; and there was that burning desire in my heart to take up that cause so near and dear to me. Oh, there are so many things that are calling my name. But then there are also the negative voices that say you are crazy if you think that you can do that or go there, or you are so unqualified to be even thinking of doing that job. But, I just want to please my Father.
God can call us to do some pretty out-of-the- box things that people sometimes do not see as ‘God’ things. Would you respond and how would you respond to a friend who decides to move to the inner city to minister with a group of like-minded folks who see the lost and hopeless as another facet of God’s treasure? I don’t just mean a two week stint, I mean until further notice that will be the residency of that friend and his/her family? You might respond by saying that they are just too radical and throw all the ‘what if’s’ at them. Would you try to convince them that they should not be thinking of doing such a crazy thing after all consider your family? And you might fire right off with whether they were really certain that it was God’s voice that they were responding to, right? These do seem to be pretty valid questions!
I absolutely love when I run into or hear of someone who is so sold out and convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are doing just what God has called them to do, radical or not. These are people who care about one thing and that is being obedient to their God-calling! The coolest part of this is that amazing things can happen when we are obedient to our calling.
The flip side of this is when we succumb to the nay-sayers that keep us from taking that step forward by considering man’s opinion over God’s calling, even if we know we are capable. On the other hand, you may appear to be totally unqualified according to man’s standards and yet God calls you in spite of your lack of qualifications and you do something you never imagined that you could do.
A few years back our church lost its worship arts director. She was a gem that the Lord brought to usher us into a contemporary worship service. Our church decided to hold two services, one traditional and one contemporary. Her husband, after three years with us was called to serve at a different church and we were left without our worship arts director. She had asked me several times if I were interested but I just never believed I was qualified. I have minimal musical training but I love to worship. That was all I had to go on. After much persuasion and prayer I finally succumbed to the request and really gave it my best for a year. Friends, emotionally, it was one of the most difficult years I have ever had, I believe, primarily, because I allowed the varying comments of too many to cause me to doubt that I was doing what I was called to do. This affected the team, who lost confidence in me and began to resist my direction.
It was a horrendous year and I have often wondered if I became too concerned with making the team members happy, or did I just not belong in that position? After all I was only there until someone came on board who was a ‘true’ director? I prayed and sought the Lord big time! I love the element that worship brings to the Sunday service and I love to worship, and I so wanted this to work out of my worshiper’s heart, but I leaned more on people’s varied opinions instead of my Father’s direction. I remember screaming out loud one morning, “Lord, I just want to please You!” Well, circumstances at home would present a difficult summer ahead and I resigned the position after a year to be available to my mother who spends the summer with us. God knew I would not have the time required for the job and that I would be needed at home and frankly, it was a huge relief!
At the radio station where I work, we run into so many opinions from our listeners and music is the subject that causes the most dissension. Some years back, we had a difficult time when we clearly felt the Lord was calling us to change our music emphasis to primarily praise and worship. We were headed in a top 40 Inspo format and three of us distinctly heard the calling from the Lord to open the music format up to praise and worship. Yes, it was different and yes, most stations were not going in that direction. Our calling was to raise a canopy of praise over northern Minnesota and Northwestern Ontario. We were called to help usher in the presence of the Lord in a very hardened and dark region. We definitely ruffled feathers and it would have been much easier to try to flex to fit the opinion of many listeners. But the risk in compromise is that you lose sight of your calling for the ministry and what it is that God wants to do. We have to remember our focus, our calling, our purpose and that God, the creator of the universe, has positioned us to accomplish His purposes and His voice is really the voice we need to be listening to, not the opinions of hundreds of people who may or may not know what that calling is. Yes, it is difficult and people can be hurt or upset if when we do not consider their opinions.
So why is it so…hard to move in God’s direction? Most of us want to be loved and accepted and I do not know anyone who likes rejection, but if you are doing what you are called to do you very likely will take some heat for choosing to please God instead of man. But, how precious are the words of our Father as we read of the parable of the servants who tended to their master’s business while he was off in another country!
Matthew 25: 20-21 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, 'Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.' His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'”
Father, I love You so much and I truly want to ‘dance’ for You and serve You with all my heart. But sometimes I hear voices that cause me to second guess whether I am doing the right thing. I am asking that You help me to know You more and to recognize Your voice when You call me to do Your will. I so want to hear you say well done, Kimberly; you have served Me well…enter into the joy of your Lord!” Your word says in Proverbs 16:7 that “When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” The rewards for walking in obedience to Your calling are well worth the difficulty that can come when we are a God-pleaser! Thank you for giving me the courage to press on for Christ’ sake and in His name!
We surely reach the conclusion that even to follow God is an act of His leading. Confronted by the deceitfulness of our own flesh, we stand before our Father and cry out Lord, I believe, help my unbelief, for our unbelief gets in the way of hearing and discerning His voice. If we spend too much time checking our footsteps, we risk the courage to step out in faith. If we push onward, eyes fixed on the goal, but become deaf to His voice, our own agenda gets in the way.
I am so thankful that God knows my heart and my desire to serve Him, He knows where I am weak and in my weakness I can count on Him for strength. I am so thankful that God knows your heart and your desires as well.
What a gift that we should feel the stirring and desire to serve Him. We know that He is moving, for we feel it within ourselves. O, Lord, what a privilege it is to be child.
Bless you sister, as you daily bring your heart before the Lord and avail yourself to His Service.
Good words and thoughts. Thanks. May we constantly place ourselves in position to discern His voice and leading, even if it is only that still, small voice. :)
Great insight, Kimberly! "Unless the Lord builds a house, they labor in vain who build it!" For years I have fought the battle of running myself ragged only to end up burned out and angry. Even though all that I was doing was "good," it wasn't necessarily what God was calling me to do.
Since then, I have personally found it is in the act of complete and total surrender (which involves dying to myself continuously) that the noise from life fades into simplicity. His will becomes simply doing the next thing (as Elizabeth Elliott has stated so well). An act of living moment by moment in obedience.
When I am living for "eye-service," or as a pleaser of man, I am placing my will above His to satisfy me. How loving and gracious of the Almighty God to take the focus off of me and place it on Himself "through Whom, nothing is impossible." And then the words of His beckoning become so dear, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls." I do not believe that when we are living in God's will focused on Him, that we will have to run ourselves ragged to carry out what He has placed before us. Tired, yes, burned out and angry, no.
What a loving God we serve!
Thank you for following His will, Kimberly! May the Lord bless you as He continues to bless the lives of others through you!
Dana Blomberg
I so agree Dana, Joyce Meyer recently hammered on being "busy, busy, busy" and for the reasons you mentioned above I like how Joyce puts it, That God didn't call us to be busy but fruitful..." and there certainly is a difference! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, good thoughts!
Awesome words of wisdom Kim, and I love the comments! Thank you for all that you do!
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