This was an evening of firsts for me. I had never been to an auction in a church before. After getting my bearings and changing into my dress for the occasion I perused the items for silent auction and although I could have bid on many wonderful things I only chose one set of items. I entered my bid and proceeded to browse and visit.
It was time to open the evening and the delightful emcee/host, Kathy, was sweet, charming and quite humorous in her presentation. She got the evening started as the men who weren't parking cars were in the kitchen dishing up lovely plates of Chicken Fricassee and the trimmings then delivering them to the tables. I thought to myself 'what a lovely event and how special that the men would serve in this capacity!'
There were Christmas readings by Kathy interspersed with some special numbers like two darling girls who sang and played violin to Everlasting God. And another first was to be able to see dancing in a Baptist church! Tap dancing to boot! Three women and the young violin player tap danced to a Christmas song and it was fascinating! When they were finished, Kathy looked at me and said, "Kim, are you a believer now that you have seen dancing in a Baptist church?" I laughed and said, "now this is sanctified tap dancing!
Now in between these things I had the pleasure of visiting with the pastor's wife and another saint who began to unfold what this event was really all about. I would have to say that I was moved by the love for the Ukraine people that this church not only has but demonstrates! This auction and dinner--their tenth--was to raise money to send to their sister church in Dumatsi, Ukraine. I also learned that yearly there is a trip taken by several church members to visit and encourage the church over there. A church of very poor believers who have nothing but the love of Jesus to see them through. What a privilege to partner with these women and to get their heartbeat of love for these people.
It is a breath of fresh air when I see people openly loving God and then in turn loving others. I would imagine that the church in the Ukraine finds these saints a great encouragement to them also! They have many difficulties which includes having very little food and very few jobs. Yet I am told that the Christians have joy. Amazing, to be poor, without food yet filled with the joy of the Lord!
From Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 9:12-15 (NASB)
"For the ministry of this service is not only fully supplying the needs of the saints, but is alo overflowing through many thanksgivings to God. Because of the proof given by this ministry, they will glorify God for your obedience to your confession of the gospel of Christ and for the liberality of your contribution to them and to all, while they also, by prayer on your behalf, yearn for you because of the surpassing grace of God in you. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!"For the sake of Christ I pray that these friends of the believers in Dumatsi, will maintain their fervor and devotion as they lend their support to these precious Ukrainians! Thank you for allowing me to have an inside look at your love for God and then for others!
Merry Christmas!
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