Today I prayed that these friends would stand up to the enemy and tell him right where to go just like Jesus responded to Peter when he tried to rebuke Jesus who then responded "get thee behind me satan..."
Today is just one of those days where I see the wearing down of the saints and my heart hurts when my circle of friends is hurting.
Today was a day of intercession for these ones who are battling on the front lines but getting very weary from battle wounds.
Today I stood in the gap and and prayed that God would intervene before it is too late...
Today on the station I heard a profound statement from one of our feature vignettes who asked "Do you know why I am still married?" then responded "Only because of my fear of the Lord".
Today, I wonder if I fear God enough to be obedient to His call on my life, in whatever capacity He calls me to.
Today, I really want to renew my covenant to the Lord that no matter matter matter why...I will be obedient...even if...this is hard because right now it is easy to say I would never but...when in the valley of darkness, the fiery trial, the pain and hurt, even if...would I hold on? Would I bite the bullet and hang in there? Despite the world view, the appearance of common sense, the pressures of those who have gone through and taken the plunge and suffered the consequences and are living with their decisions...
Today, I will take one day at a time. Today I am strong. Tomorrow I might be weak and I will need help to keep standing firm against all the odds. I just can't look too far ahead but will step one day at a time with my eyes as fixed as they can be and my heart steadfast and assured that Father loves me and will guide me into tomorrow where once again I will rise and take His hand as He guides me once more through the next day, then hopefully the next...
Tonight I go to bed weary from my burden but certain that God has heard the brokenness of my struggling friends and I can trust that He is near for His word tells me in Psalm 34:18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit.
I can rest...
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